The demand for hydrogen projects is increasing rapidly. H-TEC SYSTEMS is also experiencing this and is therefore investing massively in growth. To strengthen the management team, Robin von Plettenberg took over as CEO and CSO (Chief Sales Officer) in the first quarter of the year. Frank Zimmermann, as CFO and long-standing member of the …
H-TEC SYSTEMS aims to take a market-leading position
Augsburg, March 03, 2022 - Over the next few years, MAN Energy Solutions will invest up to 500 million euro in its subsidiary H-TEC SYSTEMS to transform the hydrogen specialist into a mass-producer of PEM electrolysers as quickly as possible.
“Our plan is clear,” explained Uwe Lauber, …
The high level of interest shown by visitors at the "H2.0 Conference" as part of "HUSUM Wind" demonstrates the current relevance of green hydrogen for applications in industry, e-mobility and regional sector integration. The next upcoming events where you can inform yourself about H-TEC SYSTEMS solutions and reference projects, and with …
Climate targets can only be achieved through the widespread use of hydrogen - that is the conclusion of a recent study by the Fraunhofer Institutes ISI, ISE and IEG. "The needs in industry, transport and the heating sector are significantly higher than previously expected by policymakers," explained Katherina Reiche, chairwoman of the German National Hydrogen Council, in the final report.
A growing number of companies are discovering the potential of green hydrogen across a wide range of applications. Lively discussions on the potential applications were also held during the recent visit by Herbert Diess and Gunnar Kilian, Volkswagen AG, to our Augsburg plant.